Life is too short to waste time waiting for other people’s approval on how you live it.

Cancel culture grows because we accept ( and gluttonously consume) social violence. We no longer seek truth or both sides of a story. Whichever side is loudest, wins…regardless of its relationship to the truth.

Stop trying to be liked by everybody. You don’t even like everybody.

I got tired of feeling like I was walking on eggshells. I finally learned that if you have to tiptoe around them, they aren’t your people.

The malignantly toxic…They love to tell everyone that you’re the monster in their story… but tend to leave out the chapter in which they created you.

A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.

Red flags and gut feelings are signs. Don’t say God isn’t answering when you refuse to listen.

They don’t need to know your side of the story, and you don’t need the last word. Seek healing and you will find peace in not proving your point.

There is peace in letting go of how you feel it should be and simply embracing what it is.

A woman of integrity embraces her life lessons and authenticity, wears discernment like a crown, and knows better than to cast her pearls before swine.